Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Walls and Holes

My life currently is naught but walls and holes. However today I made my first finds: One was a piece of beautiful Philistine pottery (which I could not take a picture of, unfortunately, because I fell asleep last night before I put the memory card back in my camera) and a small Persian figurine, which I did get a picture with thanks to the amazing Sarah Seibert. Today proved interesting for several reasons: We got a tour of the tel, and I twisted my ankle pretty badly. Pottery washing will follow later tonight, and it will be quite tedious. Also, it must be Israeli spring break because right outside my window loud music is playing and people are screaming. Mucho rasta horns. My roommate Ben took a video. It was pretty great. Also, I waded into the Mediterranean sea. The water was the warmest ocean water I had ever been in. The wading was preceded by a lovely walk and some icecream with my new friend Taylor. She is from Ohio, but managed to get a bit of southern twang during her college days in Alabama. Pictures of the artifacts will follow.

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