Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Obligatory pre-trip post

Last year, the Museum of the Bible sent me to Oxford University to participate in the Logos papyrology conference. This year, they offered me the chance to get the other side of the story with a three-week excursion to Israel to learn about Biblical Archeology. I will be working at the dig at Ashkelon, a Philistine city, located on the coast of Israel. In addition, the Center for Holy Land Studies will be leading me and a group on a tour of significant sites around the country. I am, of course, very excited I have had to fill out two different "you won't sue us if you get kidnapped/murdered/mutilated" documents. This coupled with the potential for raging diarrhea in the torrid temperatures of the region has also left me a tad nervous. With that said, I am going to be walking where Jesus walked which is, needless to say, a very exciting prospect. As with last year, numerous photographs and snapchats will follow. For those interested, my snapchat is carnifexmaximus. Otherwise, the pictures can be seen here! The background here is a stock photo of the ruins of Ashkelon. Its proximity to the sea is closer than I previously believed.

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